The SWAN Adoption Process

  1. Submit the Face Sheet of Application. When you are ready to start the adoption process, all you need to do is mail the Face Sheet of Application to Madison Adoption Associates. We will then send you the complete application packet and assign you an Adoption Coordinator to personally guide you through the entire adoption process.
  2. Participate in Pre-Adoption Training.  You simultaneously complete the application paperwork and the preadoption training
  3. Complete the family profile.  Once you have completed the application and the training your Adoption Coordinator you will have your family profile completed.  This will include at least one visit to your home.  All household members over the age of 5 years will be interviewed.
  4. Begin the matching process.  Madison Adoption Associates staff will contact county Children and Youth (C & Y) agencies regarding possible matches for your family.  You may also identify possible children by reviewing the photolisting at
  5. Interview for possible match.  A county C & Y agency indicates that they would like to interview you for possible match with a child.  You attend the interview with C & Y staff.
  6. Matched with a child. The county C & Y agency matches you with a child, you will have the opportunity to accept or decline that match. If you accept the match, pre-placement visits are planned and begin
  7. You receive placement of your child. The child moves into your home.
  8. Post-placement visits are conducted. At least six-months of post-placement supervision occur. Madison Adoption Associates requires weekly visits for the first month, biweekly visits for the second and third months, and then monthly visits between the fourth month and adoption finalization
  9. A recommendation regarding finalization of the adoption is given and a court report is prepared by Madison Adoption Associates. Madison Adoption will wait at least 6 months to make this recommendation and may wait a bit longer, depending on the stability of the placement.
  10. The adoption is finalized in the court and a new birth certificate is issued. You will have the option of finalizing the adoption in the county that you live in, or the county that has custody of the child
  11. Post-permanency services are utilized, if desired. State-funded post-permanency services are available to you at any time after the adoption has been finalized. Through the Post-Perm services you may receive respite and case management services.