Special Needs – Hip Dysplasia

Special Needs Guide

Hip dysplasia is the medical name used to describe a problem with formation of the hip joint in children. The location of the problem can be either the ball of the hip joint (femoral head), the socket of the hip joint (the acetabulum), or both. It usually does not cause pain, but can present itself in a variety of ways: a hip joint that feels loose or slips out of place, one leg may seem shorter than the other, extra folds of skin on the inside of the thigh(s), or a hip joint that moves differently than the other. A child who is walking may walk on the toes of one foot with the heel up off the floor or walk with a limp (or waddling gait if both hips are affected).

Treatment: Treatment for this condition often depends on the age of the child. When dysplasia is detected at birth, it can usually be corrected with the use of a harness or brace. If the condition is noticed until the child begins walking, treatment can be more complicated and may require surgery.

Prognosis: If diagnosed and treated early, many children are able to develop a normal hip joint and have no limits in function. If left untreated past the age of two, however, hip dysplasia can lead to pain and arthritis. It may also produce a difference in leg lengths leading to difficulty walking.

Love Without Boundaries[1]


Links for this Special Need:








Stories or Blogs from Families who have Parented a Child with Hip Dysplasia:






[1] Love Without Boundaries – http://www.adoptspecialneeds.org/