Post Adoption Reporting

What are Post-Placement or Post-Adoption reports?
Depending on the way that your adoption is completed, Post-Placement or Post-Adoption reports will be required.  After your child arrives home, your family will be interviewed to assess the child’s adjustment to his or her new home.  A report is then written and sent to the various players in the adoption, including the placing agency, the placing country, and possibly the placing and receiving state’s ICPC (Interstate Child Placement Compact) office.  The report is considered Post-Placement if the placement agency holds guardianship of the child for a period of time before the adoptive family finalizes in a U.S. court.  The report is considered Post-Adoption if the adoption is recognized as final in the child’s birth country.

Why are Post-Placement or Post-Adoption reports necessary?
The reports are necessary first and foremost for the best interests of the child.  The interview, conducted by an adoption professional that is well educated about adjustment behaviors of adopted children, is a perfect opportunity for your child to be observed by a knowledgeable social worker who will offer feedback about your child’s transition.  It is always the goal of this agency for Post-Placement/Post-Adoption visits to be conducted by your original home study worker (if done through MAA), as a rapport has already been established.  Your social worker is educated about grieving behaviors, bonding and attachment, and symptoms of attachment problems.  The social worker has worked with many adoptive families and can provide reassurance about the child’s adjustment and help with managing especially difficult moments.  They can refer you to outside professionals, if necessary or requested and can answer questions about finalization, obtaining a Certificate of Citizenship, applying for a Social Security card, or acquiring an American birth certificate.

The second very important reason for the Post-Placement or Post-Adoption reports is to account to the placing agency and placing country about the child’s adjustment to his or her adoptive family.  It is also necessary to provide to the placing country a thorough report about the adoption as an assessment measure for continuation of the international adoption program.  Most placing agencies and placing countries require Post-Placement/Post-Adoption visits to occur between one and twelve months following placement, but some countries require visits until the child is 18 years old.  Your post adoption reports are what keeps the doors open for future children to be adopted!

How do we complete Post-Placement or Post-Adoption reports?
Prior to travel or immediately upon returning home with your child, you will need to notify MAA, so that we can schedule and complete post placement/adoption visits in accordance with the schedule set forth by your placing agency and placing country.  MAA always requires a visit within the first 30 days of placement (per state and agency policy) to identify any potential issues and ensure that you and your child have started the bonding process. The newly adopted child should be present for all visits.  Generally speaking, a minimum of three to a maximum of seven reports are required.  Photos of the child and family must be submitted at the time of each report.