Although new to Madison Adoption Associates (MAA), Hong Kong is a stable and well-established Hague adoption program. In partnership with the Gladney Center for Adoption, MAA works with two partners- International Social Service (ISS) and Po Leung Kuk (PLK). Children with moderate to severe special needs, older children, sibling groups, or children with difficult family backgrounds are in need of adoption. The children generally receive excellent medical care and loving environments, but need a forever family to give them the individual love and attention they deserve.
The Hong Kong program is extremely child centered. Our Hong Kong partners will share files of eligible waiting children with our agency. At that point, we will share requested files with potential families who are on board with MAA and who have an approved (or soon to be approved/recently expired) home study report (for any country). Our partners will review all families who submit their home study to be considered for a specific child/ren. Once a decision is made as to who is the best fit for the child, they will let each agency know. If your family is chosen to move to the next step, MAA will work with you to update your home study (if required) and complete your dossier to submit to that partner for further assessment.
Eligibility guidelines may be flexible for families adopting waiting children. Email Sarah Hansen ([email protected]) to learn about the children we are currently advocating for.
Children adopted from Hong Kong will enter the U.S. on an IH-4 visa. Adoptions are finalized in the United States after required post placement visits & reports are approved by HK. Families will finalize the adoption through their local family court system.
If you are interested in this program, we invite you to contact Sarah Hansen ([email protected]) to discuss your individual situation or inquire about current children available for adoption.
Adoption between the United States and Hong Kong is governed by the Hague Adoption Convention. Hong Kong is party to the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption. Therefore, all adoptions between Hong Kong and the United States must meet the requirements of the Convention and U.S. law implementing the Convention.
Once you have decided to adopt from Hong Kong.…
The staff at Madison Adoption Associates will guide you through every step of the process. We will answer your questions, help you prepare and complete your paperwork, provide support and encouragement, and assist you with your travel arrangements. It is important to begin your Home Study and the USCIS Immigration Forms as soon as possible because they generally take up to six months to complete.