China – Post Adoption Reports (PAR)

For the First Phase of post-adoption reporting, Madison Adoption Associates families are required to submit a total of seven (7) reports, with the last three reports (years 3, 4, and 5) having the option of being self-reported by the adoptive parent(s).  An agency is no longer required to complete the last three reports, however, MAA may recommend completion of any PAR by a social worker if the family is in need of additional supports. MAA has a self-report template families can use to complete the self-reports. Reports are required at 30-days (MAA requirement), 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, and 5 years. The 30-day report is an MAA agency policy.  Due to MAA’s placement of many older children and children with special needs, we find that this initial report has been very beneficial in helping families as they bond. By having a social worker in the home soon after the child has arrived home, MAA and the PAR agencies can assess how the entire family is adjusting, identifying issues, provide suggestions and resources, and help facilitate a smooth transition. All reports are required to include a minimum of 8 color photos with captions in digital form. The digital images and photo captions should be emailed in jpeg format to Heather ( The photo captions should describe the people and activity in each photo as well as the date and location. Please include one family picture for every report. Please see the MAA China Post Adoption Report Checklist for the detailed requirements for each report.

An essay is required during the First Phase of post-adoption reporting for all children age 10 or older for all reports except for the 30 day report. The child should describe his/her experience and growth in the adoptive family, and how he/she is doing in school and getting along with teachers/classmates. The essay can be written in English or Chinese.

All required parts of the Post Adoption Report should be provided to the social worker at the time of the PAR visit. This includes the documents, school records (if available), and child’s essay (if over 10 years of age). The PAR agency should mail the complete PAR packet to MAA.  Self-reports completed within the First Phase of post-adoption reporting should be submitted to MAA.

Following completion and submission of the 5th year self-report, families are then required to comply with the Second Phase of post-adoption reporting.  Families must upload at least 5 photos and/or video of the adopted child directly to the CCCWA portal ( on an annual basis until the child turns 18.

Please contact Heather Iacono at MAA with any questions regarding the post adoption reports for China.