Brooke Henningfeld, M.Ed.

Brooke Henningfeld

Waiting Child Advocate

Brooke Henningfeld became an official waiting child advocate for Madison Adoption Associates in September 2013. She has been advocating for waiting children for over five years. Brooke has found her passion in advocacy work and feels honored to be the voice for the voiceless, helping many children to find their forever families. Brooke and her husband, Rick, currently have eight children at home, including twin boys who were adopted from Ethiopia and a daughter and a son who were adopted from China via the waiting child program. They are currently in the process of adopting again from China and are excited to once again see their family grow!

Brooke earned her Bachelor Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and her Master Degree in Education with an emphasis in Professional Development from the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse.