Ambassadors of Hope: November 2016

monroe-and-rachel shannon-with-mallory marilyn-reading-to-reagan

Whirlwind does not even begin to describe MAA’s recent Ambassadors of Hope trip!  Eight selfless advocates put their own lives on pause for two weeks in order to be a voice for some of our world’s most vulnerable.  These eight angels dedicated 14 days at three different orphanages in China, enjoying time with orphans who have been waiting far too long for a family.  During those 14 days, our Ambassadors fell in love with countless children who stole their hearts.  From parks, to zoos, to a simple trip to KFC, our Ambassadors got to know these children as more than just a picture and medical file.  The amount of love and attention poured over these kids during those 14 days was incredible.  And the dedication did not stop when the team’s flight landed in the US.  Our team continues to advocate for each and every child they spent time with, and will continue to do so until each child finds a home.  We are excited to share that, thanks to the hard work and dedication of our Ambassadors of Hope team, the first child has already been matched with his forever family!  To ‘meet’ the kids we got to know so well, please visit our Waiting Child page, and select ‘AOH’ under the Hosting Program in the filter.  These children came to life for us during our trip, and we are eager to share about them!

If you are interested in becoming an Ambassador of Hope on our next trip in March 2017, please email Sarah Hansen at [email protected].