Education & Training Resources

Online Courses
Parent education is available online, and often these courses provide the most current information on adoption topics. All training resources must provide a completion certificate for each class.

MAA STRONGLY recommends the following on-line resource for your adoption training:

The International Adoption Training Program is a Hague-compliant system of education for parents pursuing international adoption.  This program is designed to engage various learning styles and provide interesting and realistic information to help prepare parents for the challenges and blessings that an international adoption brings. Six segments on a 4-DVD set are included with the program, as well as a corresponding collection of extra training and supplementary articles from various professionals.  Families will have these resources on hand to refer back and review the information at various phases of the adoption process or after the child is home. Clients of MAA will receive a discount of $50 from the regular $200 price. Although MAA endorses this program, we receive no compensation for your purchase.

Other Recommended Online Training Options:

* MAA is a participating agency; select Madison Adoption Associates from the drop down list of agencies

Seminars / Workshops
Adoption and parenting seminars are available from churches, colleges, community centers, social service agencies, and adoption agencies. Adoptive parents should check with their home study agency for any training courses provided and/or required for home study approval.

Families in the New Jersey and New York area are encouraged to attend workshops provided through the Infertility and Adoption Counseling Center (

It is the responsibility of each adoptive family to read books pertaining to international adoption, to discuss these issues with experts, and to seek out resources that may provide further information.

Madison Adoption Associates requires that each adoptive parent read at least three (3) books. MAA will provide a list of recommended reading, although you may be aware of other books that address the specific issues of your adoption.

We encourage you to purchase the book, Adoption Is a Family Affair! What Relatives and Friends Must Know. This is a great book to share with extended family so they can understand your adoption journey.

Pre-adoptive training will help you to prepare for the many questions, challenges and rewards surrounding your adoption. We strongly encourage families to seek assistance before, during and after the adoption as needed to address any concerns.